
Flint Group’s EkoCure® ink range enhances print quality and expands market opportunities for ILLERT GmbH & Co

ILLERT GmbH & Co (‘ILLERT’), a leading supplier of shrink sleeve labels to the German packaging market, has improved overall production efficiency, print quality, and sustainability by transitioning to UV LED curing with Flint Group’s EkoCure® Dual Cure ink range. This shift has streamlined operations, enhanced output consistency, and opened new growth opportunities.

Renowned for its expertise in manufacturing high-quality shrink sleeves and adhesive labels, ILLERT began exploring the benefits of UV LED curing inks when the 2022 energy crisis in Germany led to a surge in operational costs. The EkoCure® range's dual-curing technology enabled ILLERT to use its existing UV-quartz glass curing technology and transition to new energy-efficient UV LED systems in a timeframe suitable for its business.
Flint Group worked closely with ILLERT throughout the conversion process, providing technical support and training to ensure a smooth integration. The ILLERT team achieved accurate colour on press and maintained product consistency. Moreover, since adopting Flint Group’s EkoCure® Dual Cure system in 2022, ILLERT has successfully transitioned all its presses to UV LED, enabling the company to achieve higher print quality and improved overall efficiency.
Jens Grosser, Production Manager at ILLERT, said: “When you decide to change your entire ink system, you need full confidence that the system works. Flint Group gave us that security when we changed to the new ink range and was with us from the beginning, providing great support and helping us throughout the entire process.”
Mr. Illert added: “The UV LED conversion, in conjunction with Flint Group’s new colour series, was one of the most important milestones for ILLERT in recent years. It has brought us forward in terms of productivity, print security, and quality. This has enabled us to enter new markets, which were not previously possible.”
EkoCure® Dual Cure inks are designed to cure under traditional UV lamps and UV LED lamps. This enables printers to use one ink on all their presses while managing the switch to more energy-efficient UV LED curing.
Dirk Tesch, Commercial Director, DACH, Benelux & Balkan, for Narrow Web at Flint Group, stated: “While rising energy costs were initially the tipping point for the transition to dual-curing UV LED inks, the focus has now shifted significantly toward sustainability. Printers are increasingly recognising the benefits of these inks, including reduced environmental impact, lower maintenance costs, and enhanced productivity. Flint Group has been at the forefront of this innovation, pioneering LED technology for over a decade.”
“Because of our team’s deep understanding of the technology, we can implement our dual-curing EkoCure® range to help businesses like ILLERT easily switch to this simpler, more cost-efficient curing system. Supporting ILLERT with its transition to EkoCure® Dual Cure was a pleasure and we are delighted to see that the company has already achieved success with this important innovation.”



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