
Sales manager for global trade magazine required. You'll be working from your home office and generate sales for a well-known international trade magazine. Initially you will be working on a commision-based freelance basis with the opportunity for a fixed full-time contract if and when sales targets are met after an appropriate timespan.

All About ... will be the deep dive into topics. We are diving deep into the topics. And will be a knowledge center that is constantly updated to provide insight into past, present and future technologies. Applications and customer showcases will be highlighted, and explored in-depth. For those seeking advice and help our “How to...” section might provide the answer and if not there is always the possibility to ask an expert. Industry happenings, events and also new products are getting the attention they deserve.


All About ... will be the deep dive into topics. We are diving deep into the topics. And will be a knowledge center that is constantly updated to provide insight into past, present and future technologies. Applications and customer showcases will be highlighted, and explored in-depth. For those seeking advice and help our “How to...” section might provide the answer and if not there is always the possibility to ask an expert. Industry happenings, events and also new products are getting the attention they deserve.

Content-centric and geared towards the professionals, our “All About ...”-sites provide managers, deciders, decision-makers, C-Suite managers but also print professionals of all ranks with the information and background knowledge that is required in these fast-moving times.
Label & Packaging (, Signage ( and Commercial Printing ( are those three different disciplines of print that nowadays make up over 90% of the print business. Enabling all market participants to explore and read up on their industry and what it entails is a must in the competitive global marketplace. “All About...” is be the one stop resource for all seeking advice and knowledge, industry trends and new applications and so much more. In addition, those All About ... content-centric sites make heavy use of social media platforms, thereby engaging printers, reinforcing existing relationships, and enabling opening doors to new and existing business and business relationships.

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Sabine Slaughter This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
phone +49 172 511 2633

SAS Visuelle Kommunikation, Sabine A. Slaughter, Heinersdorfweg 17a, 30179 Hannover

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