
The Ghent Workgroup is happy to announce that the Enfocus PDF Review Module, a powerful and cost-effective solution to review and approve native PDF files, has passed the critical test for determining quality displaying of PDF/X-4 documents and is now fully compliant with the Ghent PDF Output Suite 5.

The Ghent Workgroup offers a compliancy label program for vendor members who are compliant with the Ghent PDF Output Suite 5. In order to receive the compliancy label, a vendor must have published instructions for successful output with Ghent PDF Output Suite 5 and have submitted a proof of a successful output on their system(s). Results of processing the output suite in an Enfocus PDF Review Module workflow were verified by the GWG Process Control Subcommittee and assessed as fully compliant.
Enfocus PDF Review Module – Automate and replace manual soft proofing
The PDF Review Module is a Switch module that enables the integration of a PDF review process in a Switch workflow.
The PDF Review Module consists of two components: a web server and a Switch app. Once the server is installed and configured, the app can be used just like any other Switch app: add it to the flow, define the incoming and outgoing connections, set the properties, and activate the flow. Files that arrive in the app are uploaded to the web server and made available for review in any HTML5 browser. The reviewer will receive a link to the file via email and can inspect the file in a user-friendly interface and (optionally) give feedback using a sticky note tool. This way, it’s no longer necessary to bother with low-resolution PDFs for email and the PDF Review Module guarantees a correct viewing of the production file.
Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager at Enfocus, adds: “The Ghent PDF Output Suite is rapidly becoming the default standard for testing PDF/X-4 output and on-screen rendering compliance. It’s a great tool for anybody who wants to verify their product or solution with the various PDF constructions with the PDF/X-4 format. We’re really proud that the PDF Review Module is compliant with the suite, it’s a great indication of the quality of the product to potential customers.
Ghent Output Suite 5 - An easy way to test your PDF Workflow
The Ghent Workgroup, a Belgium-based international assembly of industry associations, suppliers, educational institutions and experts, develops specifications and defines rules for determining if PDF documents are compliant to deliver quality print, dependent on the specific production process. The Ghent PDF Output Suite determines whether workflows are behaving as expected, gives users the ability to quickly and easily identify errors. The Output Suite includes test patches for compatibility issues that might appear in an PDF/X-4 (ISO 15930-7) compliant workflow.
Stephan Jaeggi, Chair of GWG Process Control Subcommittee, adds: “It’s crucial that review and approval solutions display the PDF/X files correctly according to the PDF/X-4 specification. Most of the output workflows are also compliant to the Ghent PDF Output Suite 5. Therefore, the user sees exactly the same result in his web browser using the Enfocus PDF Review Module as he will get in the printed product.”
The Ghent Workgroup offers a compliancy label program for vendor members whose products are compliant with the current version of the Ghent PDF Output Suite. Y

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