Leading Southern California folding carton manufacturer improves speed, quality, and throughput
Advance Paper Box Company/Packaging Spectrum, a premier full-service packaging company since1924, is reaching new levels of efficiency with a newly-installed KBA Rapida 145 57-inch seven
color press. As the firm focuses on innovative automated technology and improved make-ready times, it will be replacing an older 56-inch press. The Los Angeles-based firm has customized its new press, which was recently delivered, with such unique features as a double coater, UV, and a triple delivery.
Its goal is to continually serve its customers with the highest quality and fastest throughput. By adding the new KBA Rapida 145 57-inch seven-color press Advance Paper Box/Packaging Spectrum is showing its folding carton customers that it is growing its business by investing in a new press with proven automation and technology to serve all of their needs.
The new Rapida 145 seven-color press with double coater is equipped with KBA’s award-winning technology. It features a complete quality control system ensuring quality throughout the run. The UV double coater press is highly automated for fast changeovers and enables the firm to offer fresh, eye-catching packaging concepts to entice consumers.
Advance Paper Box Company/Packaging Spectrum is consistently dedicated to the mission of improving environmental sustainability within its community, its products, and its operations. The firm has a 191.5 KW DC Solar array to help power the folding plant and has been certified as a Carbon Neutral Company. It offers both FSC® and SFI® certified paperboard, international certification illustrating its voluntary move to recycled fibers and support of responsible forestry. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power recognized Advance Paper Box for its reduction of power usage by Solar Power as well as the Los Angeles Mayor’s office recognized the firm’s commitments to energy efficiency and green building practices.
Established in 1924, Advance Paper Box Company/Packaging Spectrum has earned a reputation as a premier full-service packaging company. The firm manufactures folding cartons, rigid-setup boxes, and thermal formed plastics using the latest equipment. It has over 250 employees and over 500,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing, office and warehouse space.